Our Approach:
Changing the Way YOU move through Life!
We believe in knowing all about YOU. We understand how you move, how you breathe, how you stand, and every little aspect that influences your patterns, positioning, and pain. We specialize in understanding how you have learned to move and hold yourself against gravity while maintaining a visual horizon. We also understand that how YOU have learned to hold yourself is unique to you and your history. Your learned pattern of holding yourself influences your postural control and has been acquired through growing up, occupation, sports, child birth, and previous injuries. Each of these influences need to be considered and a part of your plan of care. If over looked, your treatment will not be comprehensive and most likely will fail to resolve underlying problems and lead to further problems, more recurrent pain, and additional healthcare cost.
Our approach, though more the physics of movement than an approach, goes well beyond the traditional stretch strengthen model that many people think of when they think of physical therapy. In that traditional orthopedic PT model, the primary focus is on identifying a diagnosis and working towards pain management. There is a trap to giving pain a diagnosis, which is that most diagnoses are a descriptor of what your pain is. In other words, it labels your symptoms and validates the pain. It may even describe what is going on such as tendonitis, arthritis, or impingement. This leads to treatments aimed at the diagnosis. By labeling symptoms as "what" is going on, it fails to identify "why" something is going on.
Our specialized view of your function allows us to not only identify what is causing your pain but why it is happening. We will also take the time to explain in detail what we're going to do about it and why. This leads to treatments that enable you to actively participate in your own long term orthopedic health as well as address your acute pain.
We believe that...
Fixing You is as Easy as 1-2-3

Your treatment plan will be a comprehensive exercise program based on postural control deficits found during your evaluation encompassing three critical components of the physics that are crucial to gait, respiration, balance, and mobility and are the root cause of all orthopedic problems.

Are you Neutral?
Neutrality is a consideration of your alignment and is reflected in your gross symmetry and positioning of your bones. This a function of biomechanics. If your alignment is off, you function in an asymmetrical pattern in which structures become worn, inflamed, and injured. Alignment needs to be addressed before all other interventions otherwise a compensatory posture and asymmetry will be reinforced. Neutral resting alignment needs to be addressed not to live in neutrality, but in order to be able to pass through neutrality mechanically during reciprocal gait and respiration. While many other clinicians and professions aim for neutral spine as there treatment goal, it is just the first step of our program.
Are you Stable?
Stability is a consideration of your postural control and is reflected in efficient sensorimotor responses, muscle synergies, and recruitment patterns. This is a function of Neuro-mechanics. If your neuro-mechanics are off altered patterns and instabilities will arise contributing to loss of alignment.
Are you able to Transition?
Transitioning is a consideration of your functional integration and is reflected in your ability to achieve alternating reciprocal activity. This is a function of Spatial-mechanics. Gait, balance, and proper respiration all depend on components of your spatial orientation. This is largely determined by visual and vestibular inputs to your postural control centers. Most instabilities arise from a lateralization, dominance, or favoring of a position. If not addressed this neurologic influence will continually dictate a compensatory pattern, which will dictate boney positioning, and ultimately the pathology.
Please find some of our influences below.

The Power of One
​ One Therapist, One Patient, One Goal, One Direction.
The Power of One is a personalized approach to patient care. We believe that quality healthcare is delivered by treating our patients one on one every visit. This allows us at every visit to maximize his or her gains, exercise progression, and understanding of their program.

Out of the Woods
Pain Clinic
Out of the Woods is a chronic pain program that addresses the mechanical and cognitive triggers that perpetuate a dysfunctional pain cycle through the up regulation of sympathetic drive. The program utilizes current research to educate, empower, and treat patients about the neurological connections between postural control, breathing, stress, pain, and autonomic control. Patients are taught how to break cycles by repositioning the system and changing afferent input.

TRX Sports Medicine
Suspension Training
TRX Sports Medicine Suspension Training is the rehabilitative application of the TRX Suspension Training system for licensed healthcare professionals. TRX level 2 Certification allows therapist and trainers to modify the patients own body weight and alter the level of assistance and stability to address injuries and asymmetries. ​
Therapeutic exercise programs are easily progressed from un-weighted range of motion to full body weight functional training .​
EBP is the integration of clinical expertise, patient values, and the best research evidence into the decision making process for patient care. Clinical expertise refers to the clinician's cumulated experience, education and clinical skills. The patient brings to the encounter his or her own personal and unique concerns, expectations, and values. The best evidence is usually found in clinically relevant research that has been conducted using sound methodology. (Sackett D, 2002)
Postural Restoration is a neuro-mechanical approach that addresses common asymmetric patterns in postural control that lead to altered mechanics,loss of stability, and inability o perform proper reciprocal activity.
These asymmetries arise from our development, lateralization of mechanical, biologic, and neurologic systems, as well as learned reinforced motor patterns that compensate for lateralization to provide stability .
Transitions Physical Therapy is one of the first clinics in the country to utilize the I-form functional training system for therapeutic and rehabilitative exercise. The I-form is a multi cable system with independent patient defined motion allowing for synergistic motor pattern recruitment and rehab.

Soft Tissue Mobilization
Soft Tissue Mobilization is a hands on manual approach to identifying and mobilizing soft tissue restrictions that may be limiting proper range of motion or motor recruitment. Connective tissues can often become restricted from repetitive stress and strain or injury causing increased passive soft tissue stiffness. Utilizing this manual approach, restrictions can be identified and treated allowing for inhibition of overactive muscles and restored fascial movement.
Reduce Falls and Improve Balance
Falls are one of the greatest causes of serious health problems among older adults. Transitions PT uses a Biodex balance system which has established a Fall Risk Screening & Conditioning protocol that allows quick and accurate fall risk assessment. The program is a simple combination of risk-factor screening including analytical balance testing in conjunction with universally accepted normative data and medical protocols. If a patient is found to be at risk of falling, there is an array of interventions and exercises that can help restore balance and reduce the risk. Intervention is supported by patient education and exercise plans.